A creative challenge to Life. The narration in first person of a survivor of one the most devastating female illnesses who, when informed she has a cancer, decides to turn this tough experience into an artistic ensemble project.
Thanks to meetings of sharing with artists who made the same experience, Alessandra, despite a frequent physical suffering, manages to achieve what might have seemed impossible: NOMA.
An autobiographical Docu-Film which proves the importance of music and art to fight the obsession of the disease.
An extraordinary journey to find herself back, to rediscover the essence, to reject what is unnecessary.
The Documentary was inspired by its Original Music Score, composed and recorded before the shooting in a noma-dic journey made by Alessandra and Tommaso AKA Plot Noir.
The subject and the screenplay are based on the short-story "NOMA: from the magnetic resonance tube to the places of my rebirth" written by Alessandra.
- GENRE: Documentary Biografilm
- DIRECTOR: Andrés Arce Maldonado
- AUTORS: Alessandra Laganà, Tommaso Marletta
- ORIGINAL MUSIC: Alessandra Laganà e Tommaso Marletta aka Plot Noir.
- MAIN ACTOR: Alessandra Laganà
- SCREENPLAY: Alessandra Laganà, Tommaso Marletta, Enrico Di Fabio
- FOTOGRAPHY: Andrés Arce Maldonado
- CUT: Andrés Arce Maldonado, Alessandra Laganà, Tommaso Marletta
- PRODUCTION: NOMA World – Associazione di Promozione Sociale
- BASED ON A BOOK: NOMA “dal tubo della risonanza ai luoghi della mia rinascita” di Alessandra Laganà
- STORYTELLING • GRAPHIC DESIGN: Fabio Zanino e Anna Gallo
- VISUAL ART: Stefano Giorgi
- PERIOD: 2017
- TIME: 69’
- LOCATION: Roma/Milano/Reggio Calabria/Lanzarote/Torino/Palermo.
- SUPORT: Ministero della Salute / Aiom – Associazione Italiana Oncologia Medica

- Dott.ssa Viviana Enrica Galimberti
Chirurgo Senologo. Direttore Unità di Senologia Molecolare – IEO Milano. - Dott.ssa Francesca De Lorenzi
Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva – IEO Milano - Prof. Carlo De Felice
Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche Oncologiche
Università La Sapienza di Roma - Dott.ssa Paola Iorio
Medico Chirurgo Specialista in Ginecologia e Ostetricia - Francesca Miulli e Ursula Inama
Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione
- Alessandra Laganà – Lyrics and Voice
- Tommaso Marletta – Guitars, Synth, Looping
- Stefano Giust – Drum and Percussion
- Patrizia Oliva – Voice, FX, Flute
- Boris Blace – Trombone
- Stefano Giorgi – Visual Art and Cordofono
- Dominik Gawara – E.Bass
- Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo – E.Guitar and E.Viola
- Paul Beauchamp – Musical Saw
- Gianni Gebbia – Saxophone
- Gabrio Bevilacqua – Double Bass
- Key Yoshida – Trumpet
- Lezet – Synthchoir